Nicely done, Londo. I'll look for more of your essays in the future...
jj allowed me to send him an article for jwstruggle.
i know this might not be everyone's cup of tea on jwn, and i hope this doesn't smack of self-promotion, which i find distasteful, but i hope it might bring comfort to some who have found themselves the victims of judicial committees.
Nicely done, Londo. I'll look for more of your essays in the future...
Great work on the video, Cedars. You are really showing talent in these things. Do you hire yourself out to old guys like me?
today is my first anniversary as a jwn member.
it's hard to believe that only a year has passed since i joined, but i feel that's a testament to how much i have been welcomed and made to feel like part of the furniture.. i would very much like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on the forum for the immense help and assistance i have received, particularly in my first few weeks/months of posting.
it truly was a lifeline at a very distressing time for me.
It's been a pleasure getting to know you. I look forward to the next year and all of the projects ahead of us.
rick simons takes the stage and tells why the candace conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the watchtower.. this is the first of at least three videos documenting mr. simons' presentation on july 14, 2012. .
last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.. .
The last set of Q&A segments is now online. Also available as a single full set at
Another set will be going up on my own website at later this afternoon (Saturday August 4) and at (Cynthia Hampton's group site).
Everyone attached to this project encourages you to spread the word. Upload or link the YouTube videos to your own sites or attach them to your emails and Facebook accounts.
Here are the links to Q&A 3 and 4:
Thanks for everyone support. I appreciate it - and I know Candace Conti does too!
rick simons takes the stage and tells why the candace conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the watchtower.. this is the first of at least three videos documenting mr. simons' presentation on july 14, 2012. .
last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.. .
Segment 2 of audience questions is now up on YouTube...
Much better than the crappy versions that went up late last night...
rick simons takes the stage and tells why the candace conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the watchtower.. this is the first of at least three videos documenting mr. simons' presentation on july 14, 2012. .
last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.. .
Hey everyone! Sorry about the delay, but I've been having some serious issues with my video conversion program. The last video I put up was the first of three that cover the Question and Answer session after the more formal presentation given by Candace and Rich Simons.
The first upload was total crap and it had audio problems. As soon as I discovered how bad it was, I jerked it down. So if any of you saw that version, go back to YouTube and try again.
The link has changed for that segment:
The other two segments should be up before noon PDT (Saturday). Sorry for the delay, but this turned out to be a bit of a nightmare due to all new hardware and video editing programs full of glitches.
Should be OK now. I apologize for taking so long to get this series out.
in light of the latest videos to be released featuring candace conti and rick simons, i have decided to publish a new blog article on the link below:.
for the most part, i've written this article because i found much of what candace and rick had to say intriguing to say the least.
That was an exceptionally well written article, Cedars. You certainly have a talent for identifying the Watchtower's weaknesses and hypocrisy.
BTW - The last part of Rick Simons' presentation is on YouTube. But this is not the end. There is more...
Sorry. Can't seem to get the video to show properly. Just go to YouTube direct.
Also available at
In the next couple of videos, selected questions from the audience will be presented. Some of the replies by Candace and Mr. Simons are very revealing. A lot of additional information comes out that reveals what was happening in the background. I hope to have all edited and online by Friday morning.
rick simons takes the stage and tells why the candace conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the watchtower.. this is the first of at least three videos documenting mr. simons' presentation on july 14, 2012. .
last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.. .
Outstanding article by Cedars. Please - everyone! Read this article!
Video 7 coming soon.
rick simons takes the stage and tells why the candace conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the watchtower.. this is the first of at least three videos documenting mr. simons' presentation on july 14, 2012. .
last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.. .
Enjoy this, soft+gentle...
Part 6 is now on YouTube.
Rick Simons picks up where he left off in part 5. Why did Candace's case have a chance in court compared to other similar situations? What were the elders' obligations under the law. What directions had they received from the Watchtower? How were those guidelines distributed? Why this case is so significant and what Candace Conti was really asking the elders to do? What about her abuser? Where is he and what is his status today?
Yes, inquiring minds want to know and attorney Simons did his best to cover all the bases. I was there and feel that his presentation was informative and presented in a direct, no nonsense manner.
Part 7 later today...
rick simons takes the stage and tells why the candace conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the watchtower.. this is the first of at least three videos documenting mr. simons' presentation on july 14, 2012. .
last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.. .
Rick Simons takes the stage and tells why the Candace Conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the Watchtower.
This is the first of at least three videos documenting Mr. Simons' presentation on July 14, 2012.
Last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.